
Contoh aduan kerosakkan kolej
Contoh aduan kerosakkan kolej

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However, oe was retained in some proper names, such as the name of the former vice-president, Boediono or former minister Mohammad Roem.

contoh aduan kerosakkan kolej

Likewise, the velar fricative which occurs in many Arabic loanwords, which used to be written 'ch' in Indonesian, became kh in both languages. Indonesia abandoned the spelling dj (for the consonant at the beginning of the word 'Jakarta') to conform to the j already in use in Malaysia, while the old Indonesian j for the semivowel at the beginning of the English 'young', was replaced with y as in Malaysia. Hence the word for 'grandchild' used to be written as chuchu in Malaysia and tjoetjoe in Indonesia, until a unified spelling system was introduced in 1972 (known in Indonesia as Ejaan Yang Disempurnakan or the 'Perfected Spelling') which removed most differences between the two varieties: Malay ch and Indonesian tj became c: hence cucu. Similarly, until 1972, the initial consonant of the English 'chin' was represented in Malaysia as ch, whereas in Indonesia, it continued to follow Dutch and used tj. In Brunei, where Malay is also an official language, the language is known as Bahasa Melayu and in English as 'Malay'. Therefore, there was no clear distinction between the use of the term Malay ( Bahasa Melayu) and the national language of Malaysia ( Bahasa Malaysia). Between 19, the term Bahasa Melayu was used instead of Bahasa Malaysia, until the latter was reinstated, in order to instill a sense of belonging among Malaysians of all races, rather than just Malays. To Malaysians, the Malay language is generally understood as the national language of Malaysia, with Malaysian language ( Bahasa Malaysia) being a precise appellation for the Malay variety used in the country. The term 'Malay language' ( Bahasa Melayu) in Indonesia and Malaysia invites different perceptions from its respective people. The Malay language in Indonesia and Malaysia also differs in recognition, where in Malaysia it enjoys status as the national language (Malaysian language), while in Indonesia it is considered a regional language in Malay-speaking areas such as the eastern coast of Sumatra and West Kalimantan.

Contoh aduan kerosakkan kolej