The fastest method of skipping text is holding Square and mashing X. If you want a BCD rank, use 13 or more cards and do one of the following: fuse 5+ times, fuse 1-4 times and equip 1+ time, fuse 1-4 times and use a pure magic (Raigeki, Umi, etc.), or fuse 1-4 times and take 1001+ damage If you want a rank of SA-POW, try to use 12 or fewer cards (so you have 28+ cards left on the turn you win). The AI will never play a monster other than the strongest one in their hand. Hard mode means they play their less common (5-20%) strong monsters. Normal mode basically means they play their most common strong monsters. In this guide, I will refer to opposing duelists as having normal and hard modes. However, about 65% of runs won't have Megamorph, and about 90% of runs won't have MBD. Dragon (3500/2000, Mars/Sun, takes Dragon Treasure). The best cards in the game (by far) are Megamorph (+1000 ATK/DEF equip) and Meteor B. If you're just concerned with beating the game as fast as possible on average, rather than going for a good PB run, you'll want more equips and monster removal, and no Umis.

Your final deck on most runs should look something like this: 15 dragons, 9 thunders, 5 plants/rocks, 1 Raigeki, 3 Umi, 5 equips, 2 additional monster removal cards (Widespread Ruin, Dragon Capture Jar, Crush Card). Sometimes it's 1600+ ATK Dragon + <1600 ATK Thunder. The fusion is usually <1600 ATK Dragon + Plant/Rock/Water + <1600 ATK Thunder. You can power it up with an equip or, in some cases, the field spells Umi and Mountain. The main strategy for beating the game is to fuse for and power up Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon (2800 ATK/2100 DEF, Pluto/Moon). Rank calculator + useful passwords + drop/duelist info:

If you haven't played FM before, definitely do it once casually to learn the basic mechanics such as Guardian Stars and fusions, familiarize yourself with the cards, and memorize the basic steps required to progress through the story of the game.
Here is a link to download the game: Ī good guide for beating the original game, which has some useful tips for this mod as well, can be found here: In the future I plan to make a more comprehensive guide. A outra vai até o número 722.This is a basic guide on how to speedrun Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories with the 15-card drop mod.

Abaixo você encontrará duas tabelas: uma tem as cartas do número 1 ao 500. Sorte nossa é que existem os passwords, que nos permitem ter qualquer carta que quisermos! E nós trazemos neste artigo todos os códigos para você ter acesso ao seu monstro favorito de Forbidden Memories e estrelas infinitas.īasta ir ao local do jogo em que se localiza o espaço para digitar o código, ativá-lo e pronto. E uma das coisas mais divertidas de jogá-lo era tentar colecionar todos os monstros, armadilhas e cartas mágicas disponíveis. Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories tem um total de 722 cartas.